

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 2 months, 2 weeks ago







This wiki has been created for webheads attending (or hoping to attend, or wishing they could attend) the TESOL Convention in New York City, April 2-5 2008. If you would like to join us, email Nina Liakos.


There is a page for webhead dinners and a page for webhead presentations. Please add your restaurant suggestions and let us know when and where you will be presenting and the topic of your presentation. There is also a Twemes (Twitter channel) you can consult and post to.


Let us know where you are staying which nights on the Accommodations page.


Also see our blog, where we can post our plans, activities at the convention, pictures and slideshows.


To see the info on hotels and restaurants, etc on a map, check out the Webheads in New York - TESOL 2008 Community Walk map




Other blogs and wikis like this one

2007 - http://wia-in-seattle.blogspot.com/ 

2008 - http://wia-in-nyc.blogspot.com/ 

2014 - http://wia-in-portland.blogspot.com/ 



PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on May 11, 2022 

visited Jan 30 2023 

edited Dec 27 2023

Edited Nov. 28 2024











Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 8:56 am on Jan 8, 2008

Wow, whoever added the graphics, thank you! The page looks great! It was a happy shock when I opened it this morning!

Nina Liakos said

at 11:42 am on Mar 22, 2008

The map is awesome!

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